Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ZChen's new album release - 暗恋secret love

the inside....



the ticket coupon with the leng zai zchen..............haha

the nice nice cover.......

30/3, zchen's new album release at all redbox and greenbox karaoke.......
there's a ticket coupon for his live band music concert inside the album sold in redbox/greenbox...only for this special edition album oh....
so i immediately rushed to piramid's redbox to buy his album with my bf that day.....haha.....
muahaha...happy until gila alrdy...........

Monday, March 30, 2009

well,caryn tagged me that's y i gotta do this =)

RULES:Go to Google and type in your first name and the phrase. Copy and paste the first sentence/phrase you get that makes sense. You don't go into the site. Tag 5 people when finished.

Q:Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search.
hui min needs to make her hair at the saloon for her dinner ytd.(huh?)

Q:Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search.
Hui Min looks like a ghost. [WALAO EH]

Q:Type in "[your name] says" in Google search
A: Hui Min says I'm still in Korea and haven't come back (that's good if it's really happens)

Q: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search.
Hui Min wants to make her blog public but is afraid Aunt, Dad or Mom happened to see it and give her a long lecture.

Q: Type in "[your name] does" in Google search.
hui min does crazy things sometimes. (yeh...sometimes)

Q: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search.

A: Hui Min hates blogger for uploading the pictures so slow...(not me,the other huimin XD)

Q: Type in "[your name] asks" in Google search
A: Hui Min asks "Can anyone lend me the Mathematics paper to copy?

A: Type in "[your name] goes" in Google search.
A: Hui min goes and Hui min not going....(this is what i can found)

Q:Type in "[your name] likes " in Google search
A: HUI MIN likes this song(which song?)

Q: Type in "[your name] eats" in Google search
A: no result.

Q:Type in "[your name] wears " in Google search.
A: no result.

Q:Type in "[your name] was arrested for" in Google
A:. no result.(of course la...i didn do any offense)

I tag :
since i don't have many friends' link in blogger, i tag carol and whoever come and view this post la...haha...
(caryn done this alrdy ma.. XD)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

photos again (>w<)

since i don't know what to say~here's some photos again to share with you all...muahaha..(^o^''')
[sorry that u may have to see the pics with ur head slanted a bit....i forgot to rotate the pics la...]

the daiso rm 5 market in ioi new wing..selling many kinds of japan stuffs...i heard the salary offered here is rm1500!!!wa.. 
statistics book.....i bought for my friend....(guess it's ori or fake)

another stat i bought for my friend......
this one no need to guess la...it's my rm138 biology book....the pics must be colourful ma....

dined in sushi king......seated at my favourite number^^21

my new antivirus......avast!...it's free oh...juz need to register....better than avg i think.....

ohya....last time i missed this pic.....the back of the t shirt...not really nice.......

Friday, March 20, 2009

hectic schedule i have...it's going to start on next monday...whoaa

can see my college name?the "s" is missing..(showing off?haha)

bought another bigger size t shirt again...lol

sleepy face....tiring...(when i got my time table even more xiao di...gila...shock~no lunch break on wed and thurs)

let u see a lengleng pic of me...(haha....so po)

this is the t shirt we gotta wear on every friday...dunno who's the one design it...not really special but it's ok...looks clean and simple....
playing online game now...
don't know what to write...so just show some pictures i took recently....haha

alevel student's t shirt.....

this is hw i arranged my books and mag...

haha...weird face...

have a look on my schedule...

new bag....huhu...(who wanna see yor bag)

i have read all the chinese version of dan brown's series..nw im trying to read the original one...and this book really hard to understand...to many hi-tech words..may be only the techno geeks will understand this....

the 'tong yuin' i made...don't knw what shape is this....=.=

the cube-shaped 'tong yun'...

got many different shapes of 'tong yuin'...

my favourite animation...it's about american football....
my new pinkie....probably will wear to school next week...but not wearing the skirt la...

almost finish alrdy....

biconcave-shaped tong yuin...

the world without us....i bought this juz now(21/03/09)...a little bit regret...it's RM49.90...because it seems boring...and actually i want to buy another one (about global warming)...but that one is too expansive...i hope i can borrow it from our library...(yeah..waiting for the student card to apply library services)
and.....also i want a book about astronomy...my favourite....but it's not really useful and popular in m'sia i think...

and this book i totally have no idea what it's talking about....

time table very packed....but still wish to join some clubs...
interested in badminton clubs, ALSCO, the musical group led by Mr. Kingsley, the very energetic physics lecturer...etc
aha...and also the 60 earth hour activity on 28 march....oooh ooo....seems that i can't join this meaningful activity...alrdy made apointment with my instuctor...need to go for my last practice...and will face the driving test on 31 march...hav to skip class ya... >.<
the coming activity: enjoy the charity concert on next tuesday...

hope everything runs smoothly ya... =)