Can you guess who is this on the flyer inside the trash??
Yes, it's JESUS !! (if you didn't get the answer, nevermind because no ones know how does HE look like anyway)
and why is HE ends up with trash?
that is what i wanted to emphasize today!!
people, if you like your Gods, please next time don't print them on flyers okay?
because none of us, regardless you're Christian, non Christian, or others whatever religions that you're in, will keep these flyers as collection.
All these will eventually end up inside dustbin or in between stacks of newspapers to be recycled, even if i'm Buddhist (but actually i'm free thinker), when i receive flyers for religious event, their fates are the same.
Can you people do all these technologically? you sure you don't have an email account? you sure you don't have a facebook account? then why don't you use them wisely? Sending to people you know is way better than wasting your church's fund on printing these "potentially future trashes", right? Have your mind out of the box!!
Be an environmentalist, then you will be SAVED.