Friday, March 20, 2009

hectic schedule i's going to start on next monday...whoaa

can see my college name?the "s" is missing..(showing off?haha)

bought another bigger size t shirt

sleepy face....tiring...(when i got my time table even more xiao di...gila...shock~no lunch break on wed and thurs)

let u see a lengleng pic of me...( po)

this is the t shirt we gotta wear on every friday...dunno who's the one design it...not really special but it's ok...looks clean and simple....
playing online game now...
don't know what to just show some pictures i took recently....haha

alevel student's t shirt.....

this is hw i arranged my books and mag...

haha...weird face...

have a look on my schedule...

new bag....huhu...(who wanna see yor bag)

i have read all the chinese version of dan brown's series..nw im trying to read the original one...and this book really hard to many hi-tech words..may be only the techno geeks will understand this....

the 'tong yuin' i made...don't knw what shape is this....=.=

the cube-shaped 'tong yun'...

got many different shapes of 'tong yuin'...

my favourite's about american football....
my new pinkie....probably will wear to school next week...but not wearing the skirt la...

almost finish alrdy....

biconcave-shaped tong yuin...

the world without us....i bought this juz now(21/03/09)...a little bit's RM49.90...because it seems boring...and actually i want to buy another one (about global warming)...but that one is too expansive...i hope i can borrow it from our library...(yeah..waiting for the student card to apply library services)
and.....also i want a book about favourite....but it's not really useful and popular in m'sia i think...

and this book i totally have no idea what it's talking about....

time table very packed....but still wish to join some clubs...
interested in badminton clubs, ALSCO, the musical group led by Mr. Kingsley, the very energetic physics lecturer...etc
aha...and also the 60 earth hour activity on 28 march....oooh ooo....seems that i can't join this meaningful activity...alrdy made apointment with my instuctor...need to go for my last practice...and will face the driving test on 31 march...hav to skip class ya... >.<
the coming activity: enjoy the charity concert on next tuesday...

hope everything runs smoothly ya... =)


  1. got 2 options.1 is jaga booth (sell the t-shirt and dunnoe wat else).another 1 is sat night,nt sure wat time yet..sing song wen...for the turn off the light event..i think its open to all sun-U students.try ask ur lecturer? :) lol,so fast u ada ALVLS shirt..i xda my course shirt at all till now.

  2. oh yeah,forgot to say this...

    Tan Hui Min,Leng Lui :D

  3. they sell it today...they said we gotta wear it every fri...SO WE NEED IT!!!what kind of logic is this??? =.= haha...sumthing like 'force' us to different way....

  4. of cos not leng.SUPER LEng ;) lolx..
    about the comment..he dats hw i identify alvls students :D on fri(s)

  5. hui min pretty girl ^^
    i like ur blog background
